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Ideas For Showcasing Antique Jewellery Safely

Ideas For Showcasing Antique Jewellery Safely

When it comes to displaying your antique jewellery pieces, careful consideration and planning should always come into play. These highly valuable and expensive items you are dealing with may or may not carry sentimental value. There comes a time though that you have to set your items free and show them off to the world.

Doing so doesn’t always have to carry risk however. This article will delve deeper into ways you can protect your items for more security and peace of mind. So whether it has been an heirloom in the family for years or a piece you spotted at an auction, you can showcase it in the best way possible.

If you are starting from scratch or growing your collection, then it’s well worth checking out the gorgeous pieces from Kalmar Antiques. As you get to know the antique scene more, you will gain more confidence and knowledge of where to look and how to sell your items.

For now, let’s discuss ways you can display your jewellery keeping protection and safety in mind.

Keeping Your Antique Jewellery Safe When Displaying

By now, you probably know how delicate and frail historical jewellery can be. If you don’t want to risk damaging your precious pieces, it’s worth reading the points below. Hiding these beautiful works of art away will do nothing but having them on display will bring joy and intrigue to your doorstep.

Avoid the risk of damage and keep your collection secure with the following steps:

  • One of the safest things you can do is to store your jewellery in sealed shadow boxes. This box is an enclosed glass-front display case where you can place your significant item behind. It also helps draw the eye to the object being showcased for more visual effect. For example, if you have vintage watches such as Cartier and Omega, it would be ideal to place them in sealed boxes to keep them secure, even if they are from brands offering the most robust items.
  • Mount and display your pieces with materials that stop chemical reactions from taking place. This will prolong the quality of the item and avoid things such as discolouration, rush or tarnishing. Check out some framing companies to gain more insight into the materials that could benefit your specific piece of antique jewellery.
  • Always hang jewellery on a special stand and keep them by themselves in their own shelf space.
  • Any necklaces or bracelets you own can be placed over enchanting antique bottles for safety and visual impact.
  • Make sure that what you hang it on is glass-free and only use little nails when hanging items. Also, to make the jewellery stand out, consider hanging things against black or white structures.

These are some great places to start to keep your antique jewellery safe and secure if you want to showcase them for others to see. As long as you keep them away from the sun and avoid chemicals in the environment, you can rest assured your jewellery will maintain their shine.

Twenteen Mom

Dhadha Garcia is a lifestyle and mommy blogger from Bacolod, PH. She is a mompreneur, a full-time blogger and a content creator. She started blogging in 2007 and became one of the pioneers of the Negrense Blogging Society, Inc. (NBSI) in 2009, where she has received several awards and nominations for her blogs. She also writes at www.theblueink.com and www.classysweets.com.

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