A List Of Smells That Attract And Repel Rats

Let’s face it, rats carry diseases and man has been fighting a continuous battle with these hardy little creatures, using such methods as employing a cat or laying traps, and while they may have a degree of success, sooner or later they will return. Tom & Jerry reflected the constant war, while also showing us that the mouse is far from stupid, and indeed, usually triumphed at the end of the day. In order to get to know your adversary, here are a few smells that rats either love or hate, in no particular order.
• Mothballs
These do offer a degree of success, although the smell tends to permeate through the home. A child could easily mistake one for a candy, so avoid using mothballs if you have kids. Your dog won’t appreciate the smell either – he has a nose that is 200 times more sensitive than yours.
• Cloves
Another natural remedy that can claim a certain amount of success in repelling rats, leaving it around the home will certainly cause a few detours. If you want to be sure of ridding rats from your living space, the electronic pest control device is the answer. Simply plug the device into a wall socket and it begins to send ripples of electromagnetic waves, or pulses, which rats hate. The device works silently in the background, and does not kill the animals, it merely sends them off to another location.
• Ammonia
This is proven to be a rat deterrent, and as there is ammonia in urine, either will repel any rats. Of course, it isn’t only the rats who have to put up with the acrid stench, which is one reason to find out more about electronic rodent repellent, which is a harmless solution that really does work.
• Food
Rats have very sensitive smell, which helps them locate food, so it isn’t surprising that the smell of food attracts them. Raw meat will most likely tempt a rat to investigate, as would a stew simmering on the stove. Keeping a clean kitchen is one of the best rat repellents, and it will also mean that insects like cockroaches have no food, which means having a good clean under kitchen appliances, looking for spilled food and stains.
• Berries And Dried Fruit
Rats do seem to like the smell of dried fruit and berries, so try not to leave them out. Putting things in the fridge will very much reduce the scent. If you want a natural solution that does no harm to the rats, look no further than the electronic pest repeller that you can buy online. If you would like some further reading on smells that attract rats, a quick search through Google will lead you to a number of related articles.
If you are experiencing a rat problem at home, the best solution is to invest in a few electronic pest control devices, which can easily be found online, and once they are plugged in and running, your living space will soon be rat-free. The product typically comes with a 2-year guarantee and so confident is the supplier, they offer a 60-day money back guarantee and you can’t ask for more than that!