Bad News Today
MicroBlog | 29-Jan-11
I was saddened with what had happened today. This all started last Saturday when me and my lil kiddo went to see her pedia for check-up. She was sick for two days (fever + cough) so I decided to ask her doctor for available medications. When we arrived at the clinic, her pedia examined her and advised me to let her undergo skin test. This will actually determine whether she has Primary Complex. I noticed that she easily gets sick and there are times that she don’t have a good appetite when eating. So after the doctor injected my lil kiddo, he told us to come back three days after.

So Tuesday came and we went back to the clinic. The pedia again examined my lil kiddo and after that he told me that my daughter is indeed positive of Primary Complex and there will be a 6-months treatment. WTF. It feels like my world had stopped and I felt like crying. It really makes me sad seeing my child suffer from any kind of disease or whatsoever. It makes me crazy! My gawd.