Enjoy The Silence: 5 Quiet Products You’ve Likely Never Heard Of

Home is the place we come back to at the end of a busy day. It’s our quiet sanctuary that gives us respite from the chatter of coworkers, the hum of office machines and the disruptive noise of traffic. Except that many of the household items we rely on to make our lives easier also make our lives louder.
Keeping the Peace
Thankfully, many of the things we use every day are being designed quieter so you can enjoy a few hours of peace and quiet before going back out into the noisy world. Though you may have never considered it important until now, the following household items are now much quieter.
A Quiet Cup of Joe
Coffee beans taste best when ground just before brewing. The problem is most coffee grinders are loud enough to wake the whole house, most of whom do not likely share in your passion for a good cup of joe. Luckily, there are good options out there that bring down the decibels so you can grind away any time of the day without waking a soul.
Office Options
Keyboards may not seem like a major cause of noise pollution in the home but the repetitive clicking of keys could become a nuisance to members of your household or officemates. That’s why keyboard technology is changing by eliminating the clicking sound that occurred with older keyboard allowing you to do your late-night gaming, blogging or working without keeping your partner or roommate awake with your feverish keystrokes.
Peaceful Yards
The sound level of a lawn mower might not seem like an important feature to consider but how many Saturday mornings have you waited for a reasonable time to start mowing so as not anger the neighbors? Maybe your baby’s nap time is your time to catch up on yard work, but a noisy lawn mower whizzing past the bedroom window would only wake them. Or perhaps you just don’t like damaging your eardrums with approximately 90 dB of noise for anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour every week depending on the size of your lawn.
Fortunately, many lawn mower manufacturers are designing much quieter gas-powered mowers. In addition, today’s electric battery charged mowers are virtually silent when running. The quietest option, though, is still the human-powered mowers with models today that are much easier to push while still providing a great, even cut and a good workout. Check out some of the options available at QuietResources.
Wake Up Gently
While most of us would agree that the best alarm clock is no alarm clock, we know that a productive life requires us to be up early on more days than not. The sound of our alarm clocks can easily become one of our least favorite sounds, especially considering the sheer terror that hits us when our peaceful nights rest is shattered by a piercing beep, whistle or siren. If a sonic boom isn’t required to get you moving, then maybe a quieter wakeup call would help ease the pain of leaving your warm bed every morning.
In fact, studies suggest that a more subtle wakeup call might be beneficial to your health. Loud, piercing alarms can actually be bad for your heart, causing high blood pressure and increasing stress levels. Instead, the best way to wake up is with a gradual introduction to light which slowly raises cortisol levels in your body versus the spike in adrenaline caused by a traditional noisy alarm. For those of us who don’t live in a tropical climate there are alarms that will mimic the sunrise for you by slowly releasing light until your room is flooded with bright natural light at the time you need to wake up. Another gentler approach is the vibrating alarm clock worn on your wrist, a great option if you don’t want to wake your partner.
Hushed Hairdryers
Your quiet alarm clock allowed you to sneak out of bed without waking your husband but now you need to dry your hair. Whether you’re trying to get ready without waking your spouse, roommate, or baby, today’s hair dryers will allow you to sneak out in style. From high frequency motors that raise the sound of the motor above the audible range for humans to built-in silencers and AC motors, there is no shortage of options for leaving the house looking polished while everyone else sleeps in.
These are just a few of the ways you can minimize noise in your home. Reducing the number of noisy things in your kitchen, bedroom, yard, and bathroom can help you make your home the peaceful haven it should be.