Play And Learn: Choose The Right Tech Gifts For Kids This Christmas

Today, technology is reshaping childhood and the popularity of gadgets is soaring with 75% of US kids under 8 years using a mobile device. Gadgets are high on the list of tech-savvy children this Christmas and although you might be tempted to buy what your kids asked for, it’s important to choose the proper tech toys and devices that will suit them without compromising their enjoyment, safety or leaving a gaping hole in your pocket.
Stick To A Budget
Budgets play a very important role in gift-giving especially if there are several people and an extended family on your list so it’s crucial to define an amount that you can spare and respect it. For example, set a spending limit for all the people on your list. If you have only $500 for presents you can divide it as $100 for your spouse, $200 for your 4 kids, $100 for your parents and the rest for 10 nephews and nieces.
That doesn’t mean though that your gifts are boring if you don’t spend lots of money on them. Yes, even tech gadgets come in all sorts of models, brands and price points. There are smart speakers, gizmos and other stuff that your geek child will appreciate and stimulate the interest of those who are not into them.
Choose Age-Appropriate Gizmos
There’s a reason why toy manufacturers label their product and define their suitability to children of certain age groups. Not only will it enhance user experience, but it will also keep them safe – some components are so tiny that they become choking hazards for younger kids. For example, while a Meccano robot might get your five-year old excited, he/she might tear it apart and experiment with the pieces.
As a parent, you also know your children’s level of development. While you are certainly not going to give a tablet to a one-year old, it does not mean that you can’t gift an educational or interactive pad to a three-year old who may already be adept at using one.
Go For Gadgets That Can Be Shared
Tech gadgets and devices are great platforms for playing and learning at the same time. For instance, laptops are not only portable, but are also capable of doing many things. Your child can play on them alone or with others, listen to music and read books. Kids can also look at a movie or do homework together with friends. Your child can even learn to code and improve their computing skills.
If you’re looking at educational gifts, laptops are great choices. Shopping for a laptop on a budget isn’t that difficult because several low-cost models exist that are capable of handling everyday computing and more. Portable computers also benefit children. A 2016 MSU academic paper even suggests that a student with access to a laptop improves his/her academic achievement.
Tech devices can make fantastic Christmas presents for your kids, providing recreation and a learning experience at the same time. It’s a matter of defining your budget and looking for age-appropriate gifts to ensure that you’re gifting them a present that they will truly enjoy.