Preparing For Cremation

As you become older, you might start thinking about your burial or your funeral. One of the things that you might want to consider is cremation. This is a service that is less expensive than a funeral, and you can still have some of the same benefits that you would find with a typical funeral service. The pre-need cremation services that you need to consider include the cost as well as what you want done with your ashes after the memorial service.
The emotional preparation of the family needs to be something to consider. Talk to your family about your wishes so that they don’t plan a funeral with a casket and burial. Talk to your pastor about your wishes, and get any reassurance that you need about your cremation decision. Some funeral homes require paperwork to be completed before the cremation. The funeral director can help you get everything in order so that all that needs to be done when the time comes is the signing of the papers by the family. Let the funeral home know if there are any artificial parts of the body, such as a rod in the knee or a pacemaker. Gain knowledge about cremation so that you make an informed decision.