The Preggy Food Plan

Not sure what to eat while pregnant? Here’s what you can munch on for the next nine months.
As a mom-to-be, your food choices are crucial to the life flourishing in your womb. And as each trimester passes, you must know what’s best to eat and how your diet affects your health and that of your baby. There is really no hard and fast rule as to what to eat during each trimester. What’s important is that you get the proper amount of vitamins and nutrients you need.
Infanticipating women often think they have to eat for two people; this belief is actually incorrect. You only need an additional 300 calories for your own nourishment as well as your baby’s. Total caloric requirement must be computed based on the desirable body weight and activity level. Once this is determined, your Ob-Gyne or dietrician can set a diet that includes the appropriate portions from the different food groups.
Folate: The First Term Factor
It is during the first term when your baby’s brain and spinal cord are most delicate. By eating food high in folate, you can prevent neural tube defects in your baby’s spinal cord as well as any malformations in his brain. Liver, fresh pork, citrus fruits, peanuts, spinach, broccoli, and cantaloupe are good sources of folate. It’s also best for you to eat more food rich in protein and carbohydrates the moment you find out you’re pregnant. Meat and poultry, fish like tuna or salmon, cheese, legumes, nuts, eggs, mils, and grains are good sources of protein. Rice and its alternatives like pan de sal, pasta, and root crops are your other options.
Sometimes, a pregnant woman doesn’t eat much because of the ‘paglilihi‘ period. It’s okay to indulge in your craving, whether it’s pistachio ice cream or hilaw na mangga at bagoong ; but you must also have the right first-term foods, along with a good exercise routine. Ask your Ob-Gyne or dietrician for the proper amount of protein and carbihydrate you need, and also inquire if you need to take a folic acid supplement.
Sizing The Second Term
The pregnant woman starts having a heartier appetite by the second trimester. It is also during this term when your baby starts to really grow as his heart, skeleton, and muscles develop at a rapid rate. When your circulatory system is running smoothly, your baby is getting an ample supply of oxygen. This means that he’s receiving all those vitamins and minerals you’ve been having.
Iron plays a significant role during the second trimester, and you may get this from dark green leafy vegetables. Egg yolks, prunes and prune juice, whole grains, red meat, peas, and beans are other better alternatives.
Taking iron supplements too, but with your doctor’s advice. To get the full benefit of these supplements, take them while eating vitamin C-enriched foods like tomatoes, oranges, or grapefruits.
The Last Stretch
Whatever it is you have been doing since the first term, keep it up! It’s the final stretch for you and your baby, so maintain your healthy diet with the recommended serving sizes. Drink at least eight to ten glasses a day. Skip coffee and soda. You need the extra fluids to keep you hydrated. To avoid constipation, make sure you have a good dose of fiber in your diet.
If you’re concerned about not being able to breastfeed, including malunggay in your diet during the final trimester can help. There are malunggay capsules available in the market, and these must be started at least two weeks before giving birth to stimulate milk production.
It’s important to have a little extra of those vitamins and minerals, but before you plan your daily meals, check the guidelines given by your Ob-Gyne or your dietrician first. After nine months of eating and exercising right, you’re sure to be blessed with a beautiful and bealthy baby.