Which 5 Personal Injuries Are Often Overlooked Even Days After Getting Hit By A Car (Houston)?

Car accidents are inevitable. They can happen at any time anywhere to anyone regardless of their lifestyle. You or a family member could be driving to a destination of your choice and, Bang! Accident. You may sustain some injuries in the process which you need not assume however mild they may seem. There are personal injuries which could lead to serious medical conditions even days after the accident if overlooked. Here are some examples of such injuries.
1. Stomach Pain
Stomach pains after the accident could be a symptom of internal bleeding or internal injuries. You shouldn’t ignore such pains as they may lead to serious complications or worse, death. You can hire a personal injury attorney experienced with handling auto law cases to represent you while you recover. But be keen to choose the right attorney from the vast number of injury lawyers available here in Houston. The lawyer will advise you on the necessary legal action to take concerning the accident. For instance, you can consult the lawyer detailed here.
2. Closed Head Injury
In the event of an accident, you’re more likely to be traumatized especially if it got you unawares. And as a result, you might suffer loss of consciousness. And if you fail to inform the investigating officer or the triage nurse during examination thinking it was just normal, chances are that they may assume you have no head injuries. This could get worse as you may have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Better be sure than to assume.
3. Arm and Chest Pains
These injuries are most commonly experienced by most car accident victims. And many tend to dismiss them as just normal pains that will go away after a few days. Yet the pains may persist. If you experience these pains, ensure to have a full workup so the medical professional could examine whether you’re on the verge of a cardiac event.
4. Dizziness or Headaches
These are the most easily dismissed injuries after a car accident. You could be assuming them to be as a result of post-accident stress or lack of sleep. Well, you could be right. And you could be wrong as well. Headaches and dizziness are also common symptoms of whiplash, neck injury, blood clot, or a concussion. Don’t overlook such injuries as they could be symptoms of serious conditions.
5. Back Pains and Numbness
You may experience back pains even days after the accident. Do not overlook these pains as they could be symptoms of either spinal injury, whiplash, soft-tissue injuries or herniated disc. Numbness in some parts of your body could mean you may be having pinched nerves. It’s better to be confirmed ok by your doctor than to dismiss such injuries.
You may walk away from the accident scene without even a scratch on your body and assume you’re 100 percent ok. But it is important that you be evaluated by a certified medical professional. Some of the injuries may be mild and can look less serious, but could be symptoms of serious conditions. So, before even seeking legal practice, ensure to check your health first. Besides, how will you manage the process of seeking compensation with serious medical conditions? Ensure to look out for blogs relating to auto law to learn more about common auto law cases and related issues.