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Achieving Your Health Goals While Having A Proper Health Insurance

Achieving Your Health Goals While Having A Proper Health Insurance

The pandemic has brought about more health-conscious people. They have realized the importance of having good health, not just physical but mental health as well. This mindset has likewise made people understand that our health can have a great effect on other aspects of our lives, including our finances. The vital detail of maintaining our overall well-being is managing our health goals and making sure that we get proper and sufficient health insurance coverage.

This health insurance should provide us with financial protection not just against unexpected medical expenses but all hospital expenses including those associated with COVID-19.

Achieving Your Health Goals While Having A Proper Health Insurance

#SunLifePartnerForLife has recently conducted a series of Sun Talks: Digital Media Edition which is a three-session event made possible by Sun Life Philippines. Last April 20, the first session touched on the topic Unlocking Your Health Goals. This discussion taught the importance of having good health, and assesses each attendee’s personal health goals, as well as the significance of having a health plan.

Achieving Your Health Goals While Having A Proper Health Insurance

The speakers for the first session were Francesca Tolentino, Sun Life’s Affinity Partnership Manager Health and Accident Team, and Garett Maralit, Financial Advisor/Sales Manager.

#UnlockingYourHealthGoals require the correct mindset, strategy, and action. Here are some tips to help you unlock your health goals:

➤ Know your goal

Know what you want to achieve with your health. Be determined to reach this goal.

➤ Know the reasons for your health goals

Why is achieving these health goals so important to you? Do you want to achieve these goals only for yourself or for your loved ones as well? Are you doing all these because you want to prove something? You should know the answers to these questions.

➤ Formulate a plan

Make a plan that indicates the steps you need to do to make your goals a reality. This should include certain actions like changing your diet, hydrating and exercising more, getting enough sleep etc.

➤ Make it happen

Be sure to do all your plans and take strides towards your goals. Be ready to make those changes to your everyday routine no matter how hard they may seem at first.

➤ Ask for support

Surround yourself with people who will support and motivate you such as your family, friends, and colleagues.

Achieving Your Health Goals While Having A Proper Health Insurance

Taking into consideration the different health needs and budget constraints of Filipinos, Sun Life offers healthcare and life insurance packages to assist you with whatever emergency life throws at you:

    SUN Fit & Well. A life and health insurance plan that offers critical illness and life insurance benefits until age 100 with bonus disease prevention programs. This plan is suited for young people who want to want to keep healthy from prevention to recovery.

    SUN Senior Care. Specifically designed to address the evolving life and health protection needs of your life stage, protecting your hard-earned savings even if an illness strikes.

    SUN Cancer Care. A specialized health protection plan that enables you to live a healthier life and helps you to be financially prepared so you can be in control should cancer strike

    SUN LifeAssure. A life and health insurance plan that provides protection benefit against any of the covered critical illness conditions. This gives you and your family financial comfort and peace of mind no matter what happens.

    SUN Healthier Life. A convenient and affordable life and health solution that provides protection benefits to help you get through any stage of a critical illness, so you can be healthy and stay healthy to live the life you envisioned.

    SUN First Aid. An affordable health protection plan that provides cash benefits so you can worry less about costly medical bills due to hospital confinement or surgery. In addition, Sun First Aid also provides benefits for unforeseen events such as untimely passing, accidents, and disability.

    SUN Maiden and SUN Maiden Plus. Insurance plans that are designed especially for women. Both plans provide life insurance coverage to secure your loved ones future against life uncertainties. Both also provide health protection benefits that can help cushion the financial impact caused by any of the covered female-specific illnesses and surgeries.

    SUN ICU Protect. A severity-based health insurance plan that enables you to live a healthier life as well as ensures your financial health is well-taken care of should any life-threatening conditions happen.

For more information on Sun Life Philippines, you may visit this link: www.sunlife.com.ph.

Achieving Your Health Goals While Having A Proper Health Insurance

Twenteen Mom

Dhadha Garcia is a lifestyle and mommy blogger from Bacolod, PH. She is a mompreneur, a full-time blogger and a content creator. She started blogging in 2007 and became one of the pioneers of the Negrense Blogging Society, Inc. (NBSI) in 2009, where she has received several awards and nominations for her blogs. She also writes at www.theblueink.com and www.classysweets.com.

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