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Health & Wellness Promotion Tips, Guides, & Ideas

How To Be Healthy And Happy In 2020

How To Be Healthy And Happy In 2020

The new year is still several months away, but this makes it the perfect time to start making changes in your life that allow you to hit the ground running with your New Year’s resolutions. While everyone else will be just starting to get their life in better shape, you’ll already have a firm foundation on which you can continue to build over the upcoming year. Being healthier and happier only requires making a few simple changes, and these ideas are all great ways to kick off your plans for self-improvement.

Set a Goal to Move Your Body More

Most people set strict goals for exercise that cause them to fail every year. You can avoid this common mistake by simply telling yourself that you need to move more throughout each day. Start by developing simple new habits such as parking further away from buildings in a parking lot so that you have to walk more. You can also choose to take the stairs over the elevator and walk to the store instead of driving. Over time, all of these extra movements will make your body fitter.

Address Substance Abuse

Substance abuse takes its toll on your physical and mental health, and it is virtually impossible to feel happy and healthy when you are dealing with the effects of drugs and alcohol. Take an honest look at your habits to determine if you may have a problem with substance abuse. If you do, the decision to enter drug rehab for women (and men) gives you the support you need to turn your life around. Starting a journey toward recovery instantly boosts your overall health.

Create a Plan to Advance Your Career

When you think about it, you spend much of your day in the workplace. Unfortunately, it is easy to grow stagnant and stop making progress in your career. Create a plan to do something new in the upcoming year to advance your position in your career field. For instance, you could take classes that lead to a promotion, or you could apply for that next level position. Making progress in your career can lead to more income and a greater sense of self-confidence.

Prioritize Strengthening Your Social Connections

Your personal relationships also play a big role in your overall health happiness. You need to know that you have friends and family members who are there for you during times of need. What’s more, helping them out also increases your sense of self-worth. Make it a point to connect with at least one friend or relative each day, and set a goal to add new friends to your social groups.

Practice Better Sleep Hygiene

Most people do not get enough regular restorative sleep at night to feel their best during the day. Take a good look at your current sleep schedule to identify what you can do differently to feel more rested. For instance, you may need to cut out all electronics for an hour or two before bedtime so that your mind can unwind. You may also need to change your sleep environment. Hanging up some light-blocking curtains or playing a white noise machine could help eliminate disruptions to your sleep.

The new year always represents a fresh start in life where you can begin to make changes that help you get on a better path. However, you don’t have to wait until the first day of 2020 to make a change. Beginning your New Year’s resolutions now gives you time to see positive changes that contribute to an overall good feeling of success.

Twenteen Mom

Dhadha Garcia is a lifestyle and mommy blogger from Bacolod, PH. She is a mompreneur, a full-time blogger and a content creator. She started blogging in 2007 and became one of the pioneers of the Negrense Blogging Society, Inc. (NBSI) in 2009, where she has received several awards and nominations for her blogs. She also writes at www.theblueink.com and www.classysweets.com.

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